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Oct 29, 2015

I am switching lanes and just have to share...

Tomorrow is the day I pull into a whole 'nother lane and change my life up once again!!! You will want to listen in if you've been following my journey.

And if you're new my journey - stick around whole lots more comin' so you might want to subscribe :-)

Passing On A...

Oct 21, 2015

Yes, I am getting crazier by the day, so that just says you gotta listen to know what in the world!!!

Passing On A Smile,


P.S. Please share and send me an email if you'd like the recipe I talk about :-)  And thank you for listening, I so appreciate you!

Oct 16, 2015

Let's face it Essential Oils Are Essential and very vital!

As we see over and over again in what we call modern medicine that ancient therapies from the earth are still much more powerful and effective...

Listen to my escapades this week that led me back to what I used and marketed years ago...and then like many of us...

Oct 13, 2015

The Beauty of Age isn't about your skin, nor your energy...

It's about your inner beauty that expands as you age. Best when listened to :-)

Have an AWESOME day!

Passing On A Smile,

Gail Foley

Oct 6, 2015

Have you ever 'wigged out'? Did you know the expression wiggin' is actually a British term?

Yep, it comes from donning the wigs of court and costumes... However, we have termed it a slang for when something is not exactly what we expected and we wig out!

So it's more than just me wearing my brand new AWESOME wig, it's...